
Untitled Holy Hiatus 16

 May 22 Mai 2024

17:00 – 22.15
Maura Hazelden & Jacob Whittaker

There is a break between 18:50 & 19:05 during which people already in the space may remain if they wish, new people will be admitted after 19:05.
There is a limited amount of people allowed in at any one time but except for the first time, this has not been much of a problem!

Small World Theatre | Theatr Byd Bychan
Bath House Road | Heol Clôs y Bath,

Cardigan | Aberteifi, SA43 IJY

Entry by donation | Mynediad trwy rodd

This six-hour, performative event explores how liminal space is created, experienced and shared, using repetitions of a phrase of movement and a 13th century song developed by Lou Laurens. Untitled 16 will use 15 years of layered recordings giving a unique soundscape. Come to be present within the space created. Use the space for mediation, prayer, contemplation. People who use movement as contemplation or prayer may wish to move rather than sit.

We are tentatively continuing as we have done: Lou’s experiment with sound and space continues. There are distortions, curious new sounds and feedback, but being in the space and listening fully – to the space and to the self - the strangeness does not shock.

Link to further notes to explain the event and your participation

please note we might have to start the public participation from 5pm rather than the usual 4pm due to a previous event.

3 images: 1 a small table with a plant in the background light coming in through tall windows; 2 close up of table with thyme plant, metal bowl of water white cloth; 3 heart shaped pool of light on the ground

Mae’r digwyddiad perfformiadol chwe awr o hyd hwn yn darganfod sut mae gofod trothwyol yn cael ei greu, ei brofi a’i rannu, trwy ail-adrodd cymal o symudiad a chân o’r 13eg ganrif, a ddyfeisiwyd gan Lou Laurens. Bydd di-deitl 16 yn defnyddio 15 mlynedd o haenau o recordiadau i greu sainlun unigryw. Dewch i fod yn bresennol yn y gofod sy’n cael ei greu. Defnyddiwch y gofod ar gyfer meddwl, gweddïo, myfyrio. Efallai bydd pobl sy’n defnyddio symud fel ffordd o fyfyrio neu weddïo yn dymuno symud yn hytrach nag eistedd.

Ry’n ni’n bwrw ‘mlaen yn betrusgar, fel ag erioed: mae arbrawf Lou gyda sain a gofod yn parhau. Mae yna ystumiadau, seiniau newydd rhyfedd ac ôl-dafliad sain, ond wrth fod yn y gofod a gwrando’n astud – ar y gofod a’r hunan – ‘does dim sioc yn y dieithrwch.

small world theatre | theatr byd bychan

the words: small world theatre and theatr byd bychan with image of planet earth


untitled holy hiatus 15 ~ 22.05.2023

Untitled Holy Hiatus is not being advertised publicly elsewhere.

I shall send invites out via Facebook and email. RSVP would be appreciated, also if you know approximately what time you might arrive, please let me know

If you have not received an invite and you have been a regular participant and you use Facebook you can send a message via the Untitled Holy Hiatus page. If you know my email then contact me that way. If you know someone who would like to be there please contact me as above. You can leave a comment here if you don't use Facebook.

A maximum of 9 people in the space at anytime. The original was 6, the number has gone up and down...

UHH 14 2022


last year - 2022

It went gently. It was very comfortable and soft. J wasn't in the space as usual as he had a lot of work to do, T was with me for a lot of the time and no one else came. There were no knotty times of thinking too much about what to "do". 

I listened to the sound and the birds outside for 6 hours and think only once did my mind wander very briefly. T thought my movement was more fluid than he had seen. There was a little "play" with him as he walked around the space on a couple of occasions. 

During one on my own time I found myself moving in a very ballet way - lots of arm and sternum - that rather a Qigong way, it is a feeling that comes when doing some ballet but perhaps more people might understand the Qigong similarity!

Contentment was a feeling that came to me afterwards, and had a really good night's sleep. So a fulfilling, regenerative time. I've often thought I might find it difficult being on my own for a lot of the time and not being disciplined enough or something, but it wasn't the case. Perhaps not having done it since 2019 it was useful to not have other people. 


untitled holy hiatus 14 ~ 22.05.2022

 This year year will be by invitation so not open to the public. 

Last year UHH 13 was recorded - and only Jake was there. I was there for a little while - outside of an open window.

Here are some of the images taken by Jake last year.

If you have not received an invite and you have been a regular participant and you use Facebook you can send a message via the Untitled Holy Hiatus page. If you know my email then contact me that way.


in the absence

There is a private group set up on Facebook to share thoughts, experiences, memories of Untitled Holy Hiatus. If you have participated and would like to share something please do request to join the group link: Untitled Holy Hiatus Group

Thank you everyone who has participated in and supported this event - hopefully we will gather again in 2021


the morning of May 22nd 2020:
It's so physical, so embodied. I feel the focusing in, the list in my head of the things to do/remember; the feel of those things, their volume, texture - chairs, table, blanket, glass for water ...


May 22nd 2020 Untilted HH in the time of a virus

As far as I can tell Untitled Holy Hiatus will not happen this year - certainly not as a public event on May 22nd. I am pondering the possibility if Small World is able to accommodate holding it on either the day in July with same day length, or the day with the same sunset time.
Or maybe mark it somehow on the day - perhaps online sharing every hour...