

Untitled has moved from an experiment within an art context to its own thing, a space for acts of devotion. It could never be a performance, it had to be “real” due to the length of time. Now it is something I offer myself – 6 hours that I would not spend without a public commitment in contemplation/prayer/devotion and open up to people who would like to participate. Jake and I continue Lou’s experiment of sound folded over and over even with no new voice added.

Maura 2016


untitled: holy hiatus 9

Sunday 22nd May 2016 at 4:00pm

Sunday | dydd Sul
May 22 Mai
4pm/yp – 10.15pm/yp

There will be a break 6.50pm – 7.05pm

movement practitioner | ymarferydd symud: Maura Hazelden
artist filmmaker| artist wneuthurwr ffilm: Jacob Whittaker

This six hour, performative event explores how liminal space is created, experienced and shared, using repetitions of a phrase of movement, and a 13th century song developed by Lou Laurens and Maura Hazelden. Untitled 9 will use 8 years of time layered recordings and add to the evolving soundscape by recording this year’s acoustics. Come to observe, to be present within the space created. Use the space for mediation, prayer, contemplation, movement.

Digwyddiad perfformiol dros gyfnod o chwe awr, sy’n archwilio sut mae gofod trothwyol yn cael ei greu, ei brofi a’i rannu, gan ddefnyddio cymal o symudiad, a chân o’r 13eg ganrif, a ddatblygwyd gyda Lou Laurens. Bydd dideitl 9 yn defnyddio haenau lluosog o recordiadau o gyfnod amser o 8 mlynedd, ac yn ychwanegu at esblygiad y sainlun hwn trwy recordio acwsteg eleni. Dewch i wylio, i fod yn bresennol o fewn y gofod gaiff ei greu, a defnyddio’r gofod ar gyfer meddwl dwys, gweddi a myfyrdod.

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