
Exhibition for 2013

In the two weeks before the event there will be some work in the gallery at Canolfan Byd Bychan

An exhibition of visual, text-based and documentary work related to Untitled: Holy Hiatus from Maura Hazelden and Lou Laurens.

Maura reviews a broad range of work exploring the liminal, memory and surface.
From order to evanescence: solid to vapour: experience to memory; what separates one thing from another?

Arddangosfa o waith gweledol, testunol a dogfennol yn gysylltiedig â 'untitled: holy hiatus' gan Maura Hazelden a Lou Laurens.

Mae Maura yn bwrw golwg nôl dros rychwant eang o waith sy'n archwillio'r ymylon, y cof, ac arwynebedd. O'r trefnus i'r diflannol; o sylwedd i anwedd; profiad i atgof; beth sy'n gwahanu un peth oddi wrth y llai?


LINK to opening hours on Whatever the Weather website

now up until at least 25th May


Wednesday May 22 | Dydd Mercher Mai 22
4 – 10.15 p.m | y.p
Small World Theatre | Canolfan Byd Bychan
Cardigan | Aberteifi

A commitment was made for this devotional performative event to happen every year on May 22nd no matter what – therefore it has to be accepted that there might be adjustments; there have been some, but perhaps not noticeable. This year the “whats” will be obvious.

Maura is now very photosensitive, the building is very light filled and the dance studio area particularly so in the early evening. Also she is currently finding working in bare feet difficult...along with some other new differences of body state.

Lou is due to give birth sometime in late April/early May, so similarly the way in which she contributes to the event may be different from previous years. The process of re-recording of the recording made last year will happen as usual, but, in terms of adding to this evolving soundtrack through live vocal performance, there may be a change. Lou is considering attending the event as a participant rather than as a performer.

This is perhaps a less dramatic shift than it seems: the extent to which they are performers or participants in untitled: holy hiatus, and hence the extent to which attendees are performers or participants, has been an ongoing discussion between the artists.

Whatever the Weather WEBSITE LINK