In the two
weeks before the event there will be some work in the gallery at Canolfan Byd
exhibition of visual, text-based and documentary work related to Untitled: Holy
Hiatus from Maura Hazelden and Lou Laurens.
reviews a broad range of work exploring the liminal, memory and surface.
From order to evanescence: solid to vapour: experience to memory; what separates one thing from another?
From order to evanescence: solid to vapour: experience to memory; what separates one thing from another?
o waith gweledol, testunol a dogfennol yn gysylltiedig â 'untitled: holy
hiatus' gan Maura Hazelden a Lou Laurens.
Mae Maura yn
bwrw golwg nôl dros rychwant eang o waith sy'n archwillio'r ymylon, y cof, ac
arwynebedd. O'r trefnus i'r diflannol; o sylwedd i anwedd; profiad i atgof;
beth sy'n gwahanu un peth oddi wrth y llai?
LINK to opening hours on Whatever the Weather website
now up until at least 25th May